June 22, 2007

West Sacramento finds project leader-Baltimore firm gets backing as waterfront district developer

West Sacramento redevelopment officials are recommending a Baltimore-based firm create a waterfront development in the Yolo County city that would include more than 200 acres of homes, businesses and public recreation.

Redevelopment Director Val Toppenberg said the Cordish Co. was chosen because of its history in building successful entertainment districts in other cities.

West Sacramento received 10 responses from developers vying for the job, he said. The City Council will consider the recommendation for Cordish next month.

"This is an important project for West Sacramento," Toppenberg said. "It's a fabulous piece of riverfront property with four miles of continuous, direct waterfront. There's not another site like this in the Sacramento region."

The site is north and south of where the Barge Canal intersects with the Sacramento River. The area was identified as a key development opportunity in a Riverfront Master Plan adopted by West Sacramento and Sacramento in July 2003.

The plan calls for a pedestrian transportation loop, several public gathering places, marinas and a pedestrian bridge. Proposed riverfront districts on both sides of the Sacramento River would add an estimated 30,000 residents and office developments drawing in 110,000 people during the day.

Project manager Traci Michel said the city worked over the past few years to acquire the property, named the Stone Lock District. Parts of the site were purchased four years ago for $2 million from the Port of Sacramento, now operated by the city.

The city plans to sell the property to Cordish, which would fund the planning, infrastructure and development, Toppenberg said.

A central park, marina, public open space and "destination-oriented commercial uses" would be some of the features envisioned for the Stone Lock District.

Blake Cordish, the Cordish Co.'s vice president, said, "The Stone Lock District is an opportunity for a new waterfront neighborhood with retail and entertainment concepts that can become the bellwether for Sacramento."

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